dApp Kit


The components in dApp kit can be customized by using by providing a theme to the WalletProvider component.

import { lightTheme, WalletProvider } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
const App = () => {
	return (
		<WalletProvider theme={lightTheme}>
			<YourApp />

Dynamic Themes

To dynamically change the theme, you can provide multiple themes to the WalletProvider component:

import { lightTheme, WalletProvider } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
import { darkTheme, pinkTheme } from './my-themes';
const App = () => {
	return (
					// default to light theme
					variables: lightTheme,
					// Adds theme inside a media query
					mediaQuery: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
					variables: darkTheme,
					// prefixes the theme styles with the given selector
					// this allows controlling the theme by adding a class to the body
					selector: '.pink-theme',
					variables: pinkTheme,
			<YourApp />

Theme variables

To define a custom theme, you will need to implement the ThemeVars interface with CSS variable values for your theme:

import { ThemeVars } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
// Light theme copied from dapp-kit
export const lightTheme: ThemeVars = {
	blurs: {
		modalOverlay: 'blur(0)',
	backgroundColors: {
		primaryButton: '#F6F7F9',
		primaryButtonHover: '#F0F2F5',
		outlineButtonHover: '#F4F4F5',
		modalOverlay: 'rgba(24 36 53 / 20%)',
		modalPrimary: 'white',
		modalSecondary: '#F7F8F8',
		iconButton: 'transparent',
		iconButtonHover: '#F0F1F2',
		dropdownMenu: '#FFFFFF',
		dropdownMenuSeparator: '#F3F6F8',
		walletItemSelected: 'white',
		walletItemHover: '#3C424226',
	borderColors: {
		outlineButton: '#E4E4E7',
	colors: {
		primaryButton: '#373737',
		outlineButton: '#373737',
		iconButton: '#000000',
		body: '#182435',
		bodyMuted: '#767A81',
		bodyDanger: '#FF794B',
	radii: {
		small: '6px',
		medium: '8px',
		large: '12px',
		xlarge: '16px',
	shadows: {
		primaryButton: '0px 4px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
		walletItemSelected: '0px 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
	fontWeights: {
		normal: '400',
		medium: '500',
		bold: '600',
	fontSizes: {
		small: '14px',
		medium: '16px',
		large: '18px',
		xlarge: '20px',
	typography: {
			'ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"',
		fontStyle: 'normal',
		lineHeight: '1.3',
		letterSpacing: '1',